Retinal detachment

Some retinal disorders can be managed using topical solutions, but others need to be treated using advanced laser technologies or even surgery. Other retinal disorders may not be treatable.
Contact Northeastern Eye Institute today to schedule an appointment with one of our retinal specialists by completing the form on this page or calling us toll-free at 855-204-6888 or in Scranton at (570) 342-3145.

At Northeastern Eye Institute, our dedicated Retina Service provides technologically advanced care for all retinal disorders and diseases. Using state-of-the-art digital fluorescein angiography and other pioneering technologies, the Retina Service has become the leading referral center for retinal care in northeastern Pennsylvania.
Our premier team of experienced and highly qualified retinal specialists is led by Randall R. Peairs, MD. Our doctors use digital fluorescein angiography to image diabetic patients and treat them using advanced laser technology. The Retina Service also offers I.C.G. angiography and external beam radiation for neovascular membranes, providing the highest standards of retinal eye care in the region.
Ophthalmologists are required to complete four years of medical school, a one-year internship and three years in a residency program. Retina specialists are ophthalmologists who continued their education to work in the sub-specialty of “vitreoretinal medicine,” which involves the retina, macula and vitreous area of the eye. These eye doctors are highly-trained and offer retinal surgery and treatment of an array of eye issues in adults and children.
Eye conditions and diseases that affect this area of the eye need to be diagnosed and addressed as soon as possible to prevent permanent vision loss or ocular damage. Retina specialists provide treatments and surgical intervention for these conditions and more:
- Age-related macular degeneration
- Diabetic retinopathy
- Macular puckers and holes
- Retinal tears
- Retinal detachment
- Ocular trauma
- Foreign objects that penetrate the eye
- Macular edema
- Retinal vein occlusions
- Post-operative or post-traumatic eye inflammation and infection
- Retinoblastoma (eye cancer, mainly in young children and infants)
- Parasitic diseases of the eye (for example, river blindness)
- Eye floaters
The eye diseases, injuries and conditions listed above may require laser therapy, intraocular injections, eye surgery and several other options. These treatments are best performed by retina surgeons as they have an intricate understanding of this area of ophthalmology. Additionally, eye problems that involve the retina often require technical equipment and testing for diagnosis and microsurgical procedures. Retina specialists have extensive training with these tools and technology.
The retina is located at the back of your inner eye and is a thin layer of tissue which adapts focused light rays into neural signals that the brain converts into images. This area of the eye also involves the macula (light-sensitive cells) and the clear gel (vitreous) that fills the area between your natural eye lens and retina. The anatomy of the eye is complex. When retinal conditions and diseases develop, an experienced retina specialist may be required to maintain or restore healthy eyes.
A retina specialist has extensive training in addressing retina problems through laser therapy, retinal surgery and other ocular treatments. Pediatric patients and adults who show signs of advanced eye diseases and conditions such as age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy should be referred to an excellent retina specialist at one of our Northeastern Pennsylvania offices for a thorough eye exam.