Dr. Melanie Brown DeMichele


Dr. Melanie Brown DeMichele

Dr. Melanie Ann Brown DeMichele practices in our Dallas and Mountaintop offices. She joined Northeastern Eye Institute in 2000.


Dr. Melanie Brown DeMichele

Dr. Melanie Ann Brown DeMichele practices in our Dallas and Mountaintop offices. She joined Northeastern Eye Institute in 2000.

Northeastern Eye Institute
Dallas Location

Northeastern Eye Institute’s Dallas office is located at 2450 Memorial Hwy, Suite 6 next to Dunkin’ Donuts. This location also serves the communities of Harvey’s Lake, Lehman, Sweet Valley, Hunlock Creek, Noxen, Trucksville, Shavertown, Center Moreland, Kunkle, Beaumont, Orange and Idetown. The office offers convenient appointment times, with Saturday and Thursday evening appointments available.

Northeastern Eye Institute
Mountaintop Location

Northeastern Eye Institute’s Mountaintop office is located at 10 1/2 South Mountain Blvd. This location also serves the communities of Hazleton, Nanticoke, Ashley, Berwick, Nescopeck, White Haven, Drums, Conyngham, Hanover and Wilkes-Barre. The office offers convenient parking and appointment times, with evening appointments available.



Dr. DeMichele received her bachelor’s degree from Villanova University, Philadelphia, and her doctor of optometry from the Pennsylvania College of Optometry in Philadelphia.


She served her externship at the Philadelphia Veterans’ Administration Hospital where she provided primary care, ocular disease, and low-vision examinations. While at the Pennsylvania College of Optometry, she was awarded clinical honors throughout the course of her externships and internship, and received from the Pennsylvania College of Optometry its Clinical Excellence Award.

Research & Community

Dr. DeMichele is a member of both the American Optometric Association and the Pennsylvania Optometric Association.

Research & Community

I live with my family in Dallas and practice in the Dallas and Mountaintop office. I provide primary eyecare and treat eye diseases with a special interest in dry eye diseases in all ages from pediatrics to geriatrics

Why Choose Melanie Brown DeMichele

I am seeing established and accepting new patients and accept many insurances while offering flexible office hours including evenings and weekends.

Why Choose Melanie Brown DeMichele