It has long been believed that high blood pressure helps reduce pressure in the eye which, theoretically, can help reduce risks of glaucoma. A new study however, has found that this is not the case. In fact, this new study suggests chronic high blood pressure actually increases the risk of glaucoma – particularly in older patients.
There is significant evidence to support the theory that diets recommended for the control of blood pressure are also good for visual health. The eye doctors at Northeastern Eye Institute strongly encourage patients both with and without high blood pressure to choose foods that nourish whole-body health and help prevent visual and systemic disease.
If you have high blood pressure, we recommend you maintain yearly examinations at one of our several Pennsylvania locations. These visits allow us to detect early signs of the disease and provide treatment before vision disruptions occur. Glaucoma is best treated in its earliest stages.
To learn more about protecting your vision, please contact Northeastern Eye Institute and schedule an appointment today. We maintain 15 offices in Northeastern Pennsylvania to better serve the needs of people living throughout our area.